Contoural - Information Governance Organizational Development Services

Information Governance Organizational Development Services

Steering Committee Charter Development

Development of charter for cross-functional Information Governance Steering Committee composed of key stakeholders where each stakeholder remains responsible for its area of expertise and tasks are accomplished through an integrated and coordinated plan. The charter documents the purpose, structure and roles and responsibilities of the Committee.

Information Governance Team Organizational Framework and Matrix Structure
Develop Information Governance Team Framework, well as an approach for deployment and implementation of the Framework. The framework includes a distribution matrix of Information Governance roles across the enterprise, including the Program Manager, Information Governance Executive Committee for program overview, Information Governance Steering Committee working group, Information Governance Compliance Leads, Records Coordinators, Privacy Coordinators and other potential contributors. Engages with key stakeholders to discuss various Information Governance organizational structures and reach preliminary consensus on a desired structure. The Matrix specifies determine the number of work units per geographic location and number of physical locations that encompass the scope of the Information Governance program required in planning, rollout and management of program.
Information Governance Team Roles and Responsibilities
Develop formal responsibilities and resource requirements for those roles in Information Governance Program, including criteria and process/guidelines for selecting Record Coordinators.
Program Manager and Records Coordinators 90-day Task Plan
Contoural will also develop a 90-day task plan for the Program Manager and Records Coordinators, containing a detailed set of activities for Records Coordinators to complete in the first 90 days of program rollout.
Framework Executive Communications
Develop and Deliver Executive/StakeholderPresentation on Information Governance Team Framework – Contoural will develop and deliver an executive/stakeholder presentation on the proposed Information Governance Team framework, which provides executives with a strategic vision and creates the foundation for Information Governance program implementation.

Top Three Information Governance Organizational Development Resource

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Contoural’s Approach to Information Governance Organizational Development

Information Governance success requires leadership and commitment at all levels of the organization. Contoural’s IGO Development services enable clients to develop
the management structure and processes for ongoing operation of their Information Governance program, well after Contoural has completed its engagement.

Information Governance Organizational Framework

Information Governance Organizational Framework Contoural focuses on the organizational framework to support an Information Governance program; documented and approved procedures and policies; a governance structure for development, implementation and ongoing maintenance; and validating the Information Governance program with respect to external regulations, standards, and business requirements.